Enhancements have been made to the Breeze date display preferences to enable Breeze Administrators to change the display format of dates in Breeze.
The Breeze Administrator can apply one of the following date formats. The setting takes effect across the tenant and is not org specific.
- English (Australia) - d/m/yyyy
- English (Belize) - dd/mm/yyyy
- English (Canada) - dd/mm/yyyy
- English (Caribbean) - mm/dd/yyyy
- English (Ireland) - dd/mm/yyyy
- English (India) - dd-mm-yyyy
- English (Jamaica) - dd/mm/yyyy
- English (Malaysia) - d/m/yyyy
- English (New Zealand) - d/mm/yyyy
- English (Philippines) - m/d/yyyy
- English (Singapore) - d/m/yyyy
- English (South Africa) - yyyy/mm/dd
- English (Trinidad and Tobago) - dd/mm/yyyy
- English (United Kingdom) - dd/mm/yyyy
- English (United States) - m/d/yyyy
- English (Zimbabwe) - m/d/yyyy
- English (Custom-1) [MMM dd, yyyy]
- English (Custom-2) [dd MMM yyyy]
This feature does not affect system behavior. It only changes how dates are displayed within the product.
Applicable Targets
The specified date format applies to the following areas:
- Project - Generic tasks
- Dashboard - Task tile
- Dashboard - View task details
- Dashboard - My Documents document tile
Knowledge Source
- Knowledge Source - Search result tile
- Knowledge Source - Preview document
- Unapproved Content - Document tile
- Unapproved Content - Preview document
- Unapproved Content - Edit document properties
- Templates - Document tile
- Templates - Preview document
- Templates - Edit document properties
- Suggested Content - Document tile
- Suggested Content - Preview document
- Suggested Content - Edit document properties
Project Point
- My Projects - Project tile
- New Project - Create project form
- Edit Project - Edit project properties
- Project Documents - Document tile
- Project Documents - Document folder
- Project Documents - Preview document
- Project Point Search - Project item tile
Breeze Panel
- Search Results - Document tile
- Search Results - Document preview
- Allocations - Add Allocation
- Allocations - View Allocation
- Project - Project information
- Tasks - Task tile
- Team Members - Allocation tile
Out of Scope
The following areas and functionality are out of scope:
- Time Tracker Tool
- Reports
- Workflow tasks and email alerts
- CRM Connectors
- Non-standard Allocations
- SharePoint backend
- Contents of Custom Tabs
- Project Cart Contents – documents that merge date values from tags in templates into the body of a new document.
- Advanced Knowledge Source
- Data Picker control