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Custom tabs on the project information page


The enhancement provides the ability to specify the position of a project-type specific custom tab on the project information page. 

The functionality described for this feature is applicable only to the custom tabs on the Project Information Page and does not affect custom tabs in any other area of Breeze. 

The following table illustrates the changes to tab configuration introduced with Breeze version 2.4.5:





Prior to version 2.4.5

Version 2.4.5

Configuration Level

Standard tab

Proposal Documents

List project documents on the project information page

not configurable


specify the position

Set the position in the Project Tabs list.

Set visibility in the Dynamic Projects list.

Standard tab

Supporting Documents

List supporting documents on the project information page

not configurable


specify the position

Set the position in the Project Tabs list.

Set visibility in the Dynamic Projects list.



List allocations on the project information page

not configurable


specify the position

Set the position in the Project Tabs list.

Set visibility in the Dynamic Projects list.

Standard tab

Active Tasks

List active tasks on the project information page

not configurable


specify the position

Set the position in the Project Tabs list.

Set visibility in the Dynamic Projects list.

Standard tab

Project Cart

List project carts tasks on the project information page

not configurable


specify the position

Set the position in the Project Tabs list.

Set visibility in the Dynamic Projects list.

Standard tab

Team Members

List team members on the project information page

not configurable


specify the position

Set the position in the Project Tabs list.

Set visibility in the Dynamic Projects list.

Excel Allocations tab

Allocation To be Published

List Excel allocations.

The tab is specific to the Excel allocations and will be visible for the document owner only.

not able to specify the position

No change.

Not able to specify the position

Not configurable

Project Tabs

Project Custom Tab

Provides the ability to users to show non-standard Breeze pages on a custom tab on all project types within an org

not able to specify the position

specify the position

Configure the custom tab and set its position from the Project Tabs list within an org.

Custom Tabs

Custom Tab

It provides the ability to users to show non-standard Breeze pages on a custom tab in different areas of Breeze.

The custom tab is not org specific and will be visible across all orgs.

Position can be set.

No change.

The position of a custom tab as specified in the Custom Tabs list will take priority over any conflicting project tab position set in the Project tabs list.


Configured in the Custom Tabs list on the root web of Breeze.

Setting the Projects Tab Position

To configure the position of a project tab the user must manage entries in the ‘Project Tabs’ list of a specific org.
A new setting introduced as part of Breeze version 2.4.5 provides the ability to set the position in which the tab must be displayed in relation to other tabs on the same project type.


It is important to note that not all settings available in the tenant-wide custom tabs configured in the root level are available on the project tabs. 

Custom tabs configured in the Project Tabs list will only be available in the Project Information Page and has no effect on any tabs configured for any other area in Breeze.

Tabs on Dynamic Project Types

All versions of Breeze allows users to specify which project tabs must be shown or hidden on specific project types.
This setting can be configured from each dynamic project type entry in the Dynamic Project Types list on the org.
Only the selected tabs will be visible on the project information page of the relevant project type. The order in which the selected tabs are listed in the Tabs field does not determine the order in which these tabs are displayed. 


After implementing the Project Tabs Ordering feature, the Project Tabs list on each org will have a new column called “Position”. The “Proposal Docs” tab will be added to the list and the default value will be set to 1. The remaining tabs' positions also will be set to its’ default position. 



Additional Notes 

  • This feature will not affect any existing project tabs unless a Custom Tab has been configured at the root level in the Custom Tabs list and the area specified as “Project Info”. If such conflict occurs the position of the tab may differ according to the position set in the custom tab list.
  • The position of a custom tab as specified in the Custom Tabs list on the root will take priority over any conflicting project tab position set in the Project tabs list of an org.
  • “Allocation to be Published” tab may increase the position by 1 of all tabs after it.
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