Question and Answer Pairs allows you to store and utilise frequently asked questions, and their tried and trusted answers, for use in RFPs and other project documents.
To add content to Q and A Pairs:
1) Click on Add Content on the Dashboard; this opens the Unapproved Content tab in the Knowledge Source.
2) On the Add New Content drop-down box, select Q and A Pairs and click Add.
3) You can now choose to enter content manually, or to upload an existing document. Manually adding content allows you to apply some basic formatting to the added content.
4) Once you are done adding and editing your content, click Save. You will then be allowed to categorise your content by updating the document properties, as well as specifying an Expert, Keywords, Review intervals, etc.
5) The content will be added to the Unapproved Content tab, and will have to go through the Expert Validation and Approval processes.
Note: Include your Question in the content that is suggested.
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