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Suggest Content

This article applies to:

  • All User Roles

In order for you to suggest content you need to have the Qorus Breeze Add-In installed. 

To Suggest content, follow the steps below:

1) Open the document you would like to suggest content from.
2) On the "Home" ribbon of Microsoft Word, click on the Qorus Breeze Add-In button.
3) Proceed by entering in your Qorus Breeze site URL and username and password (if required).

4) Highlight the text in the document that you would like to Suggest and then click on the "Suggest" button in the Breeze Panel.


5) Proceed by adding a comment to accompany your suggestion. We recommend leaving a helpful explanation for the Content Managers who will be reviewing your Suggested Content.

When you're done, click the "Submit" button.

6) You will then be asked If you are sure you would like to submit the suggestion, click OK, you will then be asked if you'd like to suggest more content - click "Yes" to continue, or "No" to return to the Home screen.


Related Articles:

  • Learn more about reviewing and approving Suggested Content here.
  • Click here for instructions on how to install the add-in.
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