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Reject Content Approval

When content is first loaded into the Knowledge Source, it is in a Draft state and has to go through an Approval Process. After it has been Approved, any changes to content, or its properties, will send the content back into a draft state.

Proposal and Bid teams can only use the latest Approved Content version. This means that Content that has never been approved, cannot be used in Proposals.

To Reject Content via the Web Application:

  1. Open your Dashboard > My Tasks.

  2. Find the Approval Task you would like to Reject and Click on the Task Name in order to Open it.
  3. On the Task Window, you can supply a Comment (Optional).

  4. Click Reject.
  5. Once Rejected, the Content's status will change to Rejected and it will continue to appear under the Unapproved Content.

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