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Project Documents - Best Practices

Here are some Best Practices for responding to and working on Project Documents:

Working Offline

In some instances you may wish to continue work on a Project Document when you are no longer online or out of office. 


- Use Internet Explorer; remember that Breeze only fully compatible with Internet Explorer and that using other Browsers could cause issues.

- Open the document from your Breeze environment prior to disconnecting from the network. You can then continue to work in the document while offline.

- Remember that other users will not be able to see changes you have made to the document until such time as you have saved these changes back into your Breeze Environment

- Once done editing the document, you can click Save. If you are still offline, you may see the following:

  •  In Word, you may see the following in the status bar:

  • You may see the following in your Upload Centre

- Once you are online again, you can save the changes you have made to the Project Document back into Breeze:

  • Click on the Upload Centre and
  • Find your Project Document, with the status 'Upload Pending'. Click on the Actions button and select 'Upload':

 - In some instances, your upload may fail - in these instances you can attempt to Sign In or select 'Open to Resolve' (this will open the document and request you to sign in):

- If you select 'Open to Resolve', you can select Save in order to Refresh the file with updates and in order to save your changes back into Breeze. This will allow the changes you made to the document to be merged with changes made by other users (without overwriting them).


Once done, you will see the following:


- use a browser such as Chrome or Firefox as this will result in a downloaded copy of the project document, which would 'break' the link between Breeze and the document and you will not be able to save the document back into your project. Internet Explorer is the suggested browser for Breeze.

- download a copy of the document to your local machine; this will essentially 'break' the link between Breeze and your document and you will not be able to save the document back into your project.

- if prompted to, do NOT select to overwrite the Project Document - this may overwrite changes made by other team members. 

 - Do not Discard your changes - this will result in you losing any changes made to the Project Document.



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