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Styles - Maintain your Master Template Style Names

Styles in client documents (e.g. RFPs) can only be automatically replaced with Styles defined in your QBP Master Templates, and they can only be replaced if they are set up correctly, and have the same style name as your Master Template style.

A way to get around this is to maintain your Master Template Style names in Qorus Breeze by adding to the naming convention each time you are presented with a Customers Style which does not automatically get replaced with a Style you have defined to replace it.


Heading 1, HD1, heading 1, Customer ABC Heading 1, Customer XYZ Heading 1

This allows you to keep adding to the Name of your Heading 1 Style which you have defined in your Qorus Breeze Proposals Master Templates, so that when Documents are generated from your Master Templates and additional information is inserted into it using the Breeze Panel, these are correctly replaced with the Match that is found here.

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