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Data Tags - Format Data Tags in your Master Template

With Qorus DocGeneration, every user has the ability to apply formatting to data tags with the Format Tags feature in the DocGeneration add-in for Word.

To Format data tags in your master template, follow the steps below:

1) Open the document you'd like to format tags in Microsoft Word.
2) Click on the Qorus DocGeneration Add-in button.
3) Click on the Data Tag that you would like to alter.

4) Click on the Format Tag button located on the DocGeneration Ribbon.

Notice the format tag window appears. This window is customized based on what kind of tag you have selected. If the tag is, for example, a integer data type then the window would be customized for altering the format of the integer. (See image below)

5) Select the formatting changes you wish to apply to this tag and click OK.

The tag has now been formatted as per your preference.

 Related Articles:

  • For help on the View the Data Tags used in your Master Template follow the step-by-step instructions here.
  • For more information on How to Create Calculated Tags in your Master Template, follow the step-by-step instructions here.
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