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Allocation Tasks - Responding to an Excel Allocation

This article applies to:

  • Project Team Members

Project Point allows multiple users to collaborate on a single Proposal, as a Team.
Team members can have portions of a Proposal document allocated to them.

Excel Allocations allows the Project Document Owner to assign Contribution Tasks from within an Excel spreadsheet to Team Members.

1) When an Excel Allocation task is assigned to you, an email will be sent to you to notify you of the allocation.  The email will contain a link to the allocation - click the link in order to open the allocation:

You will also receive a new task on your Dashboard. Excel Allocations are also indicated by the Private Allocation icon. Click on the Document Name in order to open the allocation:

2) An Excel Allocation will not open the document in question, but will take you to a Web Contribution Form. The form will present you with: 

  • Some basic project information (Project Name, Owner, Document Name). 
  • A list of Supporting Documentation (if any)
  • The Allocated Text (editable) (highlighted below).
  • A Preview image (this may correspond to the allocated text, or could be a piece of text to provide background context).

3) If there are supporting documents available:

  • You can click the drop down button to show the list of available document(s)  
  • Select the appropriate document(s)
  • Click the download button
  • The Supporting Documents will be downloaded as a zipped file.

4) You can now complete your Contribution by entering content into the allocated cells, or by pasting into the controls. Header Cells  (highlighted below) are not editable.

The Cell editor only supports plain text, but bullets can be pasted in. The following controls are available for working with the Cell editor:

  • [Enter] which will create a new line in the cell
  • [Tab] which will apply the changes to the cell and open the next cell for editing
  • [Esc] which will close the Cell editor and discard any changes.

The column widths can be adjusted by over the column border and dragging accordingly. 

5) You can then perform one of the following actions:

  • Save: Save any changes to the contribution, allowing you to close the browser window. You can return to this view at a later stage (by clicking the Allocation link) in order to complete your contribution.
  • Complete: This will save any changes and publish the contribution to the original Project Document and mark the task as Complete.
  • Decline: This will mark the Allocation as Declined

Excel Allocation Limitations:

  • Only cell values are supported, i.e the actual text or values in the cell not formulas or lookups
  • Images are not supported
  • Objects such as smart art or charts are not supported

Related Articles:

  • For more information on Allocating a task to your team, please read the step-by-step instructions located here.



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