With Qorus DocGeneration, you have the ability to insert data tags into a MS Word Document. A data tag is a placeholder which designates where data will be merged from the template data source, during merge time.
To insert a data tag into a MS Word Template, follow the steps below:
1) Open the template document you'd like to insert data tags into, in Microsoft Word.
2) Click on the Qorus DocGeneration Ribbon.
3) Click on the Data Tags button.
4) Notice the Navigation Pane to the right. Click on the Data Source (Projects in the below screenshot) and expand it so you can see your data structure which contains data tags.
5) You can select the data tag you would like to use in the template and drag it into position from the Data Source Pane on the right hand side of the MS Word window.
Your Data Tag has now been inserted and should look like this:
At merge, the above tag will be replaced with Data values for this tag.
NOTE: If you have data tags inside tables inside your data structure you will not be able to use them in the template unless you are making use of the table tags or repeating sections functions.
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