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Manage Permanent Teams


Earlier versions of Breeze provided the ability for users to add and save permanent teams but not to delete teams. This feature will provide an intuitive way to manage permanent teams. This means that users will be able to save new teams, edit existing teams, delete teams and access the permanent team information from an easy to use team dashboard. 

Teams Tab

The Project Point section now contains a Teams tab which is accessible to any user who can access the ‘Project Point’ section. The tab counter reflects the number of permanent teams.
Users can also add new teams by clicking on the ‘Add New Team’ button and the team can be deleted when the user click on the ‘X’ button on a team tile in the teams view.
The list of teams can be sorted by team name or created date in ascending or descending order.
The list of teams can be filtered by using the ‘Team Filters’ panel.
Only members of the ‘Bid Master’ group and Administrators have permissions to delete any team. The Bid Manager has rights to delete only the teams which he/she created. 


Manage Team

The user can click on the team name to edit the team.
On the edit team page the user can add new team members, delete team members and change the team name.
An existing team member can be removed from the team by clicking on the ‘X’ button on the team member tile on the team view.


Manage Team Member 

The user can add a new team member by clicking on the ‘Add Member’ button.
The ‘New Team Member’ popup provides the ability to select an existing Breeze user or add an external user and specify additional user roles (functions).



The ‘Team Members’ functionality on a project details page is still available.
Users can view project team members from the ‘Team Members’ tab on the project details page.


Users can use the ‘Open’ command to load a previous saved team into the project.


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