First Name,Last Name,Email,Department,Company,Send Welcome Email,Web URL,Content Manager,Bid Manager,Bid Master,Lite User,Lite Content User,Lite Reporting User,Breeze Administrator Standard,User,,Support,Qorus Software,Y,,Y,Y,Y,,,,Y Lite,User,,Support,Qorus Software,Y,,,,,Y,Y,Y, Notes: "Only denote an ""N"" in the ""Send Welcome Email"" field if you do not want the User to receive the Welcome Email." "Do not denote an ""N"" on Permissions the User does not need." "The Organization name of your Breeze site must be specified in the Web URL. In this example it is ""QorusSupport"". If you are unsure of your Organization name of your Breeze site please request this information via the Helpdesk." After adding your Users to the CSV file, remove the 1st line (Headings) and the Notes.